Lockdown: we stay connected@Tiama
[We’re still standing… yeah, yeah, yeah]
We, the #TIAMAteam, found new ways to stay linked & connected during this completely unsual period.
It’s been 3 weeks now (ALREADY “3”?!!!) that we organized ourselves to ALSO maintain our informal (usual) communication. This type of communication is, in fact, fully part of our corporate culture. Usually, we enjoy discussing & joking together on an everyday basis at the coffee machine, in our offices or basically almost everywhere… pushing Tiama activity further.
Obviously, this is not possible anymore.
Since, the very first days, visio TEAMS meetings at 15 started to pop-up here and there ( in the background children laughing or comments from ” plus ones”)… BUT it was no longer possible to meet each other in person & discuss with people you are less related professionally to.
This is why we imagined, starting the very first week of lockdown,
the Tiama LinkedTEAM concept.
A private “NEWS” web-page on our intranet (we’re using sharepoint), well not exactly regular news – only funny & quirky ones. The TiamaTEAM mates are entirely co-writing the content by sharing personal feelings, jokes, pics, videos, ideas and more…
We release one page per week shared with 321 readers around the globe.
By the way, we would love to share all the Tiama secrets (& challenges) edited on those pages with you, dear readers,
all you have to do now is just… JOIN the TiamaTEAM 😉
Ursula B. (Employer Branding girl) from Irigny-Village.